Ademide!!! Her mum called her from the sitting room where she was sitted, she was to resume the school hostel the following day which was on a Sunday as instructed by the school management. Ademide is in her penultimate year in God’s glory group of school, she grew up from the family of three which implies that she is the only child of her parent. Mrs Folagbade who is Ademide’s mum sat her daughter down, my daughter what is your name? What is your identity? How many scriptures in the bible can you recite off hand? All these questions made Ademide shocked and gestured with her mouth agasp for her mum to take it easy and talk to her one after the other. After all the whole drama between the two, Ademide answered her mum…..
     Mum, you named me Ademide Folagbade,
     You taught me in the Way of the Lord,
     I am a born again daughter of the most high
Mrs Folagbade was very excited at her daughter’s confession, she added just little of a motherly advice to her daughter and above all she told her to keep herself even in the hostel. After the discussion Ademide knelt down and thanked her mum for the advice and encouragement and left to continue what she was doing. Immediately she left Mrs Folagbade couldn’t control the tears from dropping remembering how her husband left her alone after two years of marriage claiming he was called into ministry and ran off from the house without her prior knowledge leaving her alone to cater for Ademide and herself. None of her husband's family were willing to support her neither was her own family ready to help because they were not in full support of their marriage. Mrs Folagbade never allowed self pity to stop her from training her only child hence she was very hardworking. Drown in her own thought she didn’t know when her daughter came in standing by her for almost seven minute
        ‘Mum! Mum! Ademide shouted, 
         You scared me daughter, what is the problem, 
         Trying to frame up,
          ‘interrupted Ademide, what were you thinking about mum
           Have been standing here but you didn’t even know when I came in’ 
           Am sorry dear, just thinking about all that we have gone through
           Together without your dad,
            Ademide sighed! It is going to be well mum and I promise to make
            You proud and take good care of you,
             She sat close to her mum and patted her and they both went inside.
It Sunday morning, Mrs Folagbade had informed her pastor about her absence in church due to the journey with her daughter and he prayed with them before that day. All luggage were intact and ready to move, then she called her daughter and opened her bible to read 
              Ademide open your bible to the book of proverbs chapter 1 verse 10
              “My son, if sinners entice thee consent thou not” she read, a word is enough for the wise.
The journey went smoothly..........


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