Daniel! Daniel! Daniel! Mr. Adio banged at the door shouting Daniel’s name
around 6am, this is the usual practice ever since Daniel returned home after
serving his Father’s land some months back. Immediately Daniel heard his
Father’s voice he knew he was in for another trouble that morning, he
hurriedly rounded up his quiet time and stood up before his father got
 Good morning dad, Daniel prostrated as he greeted his dad
 What is good about the morning? Can’t you answer me? He
 Fumed, after spending all my pension just to send you to school
 As being the only son I have so that you will make me and your mother happy see what you repaid me with……sleeping and jobless from
 Morning till night.
 I hate you Daniel! I regret depending on you!
Daniel tried to speak but he was stopped at every attempt he made, he did
what he knows best to do when issues like these comes up, he continued
crying till his father left. Daniel was known to be a diligent boy right from his
secondary school, he never took anything for granted and he was one of the
best graduating student during his undergraduate study, but everything
seems difficult since he finished his NYSC , he has submitted his curriculum
vitae to different companies hoping for their call but none was forth coming
whereas most of his friends who are not better than him had already
secured good job and living fine. His parent especially the father was not
helping matters, this made Daniel so weak and depressed everyday. He
decided to take up laboring work in one of the block industries around at
least he will be from his Father’s ranting every morning. Even at that each
time he comes back at night he is always welcomed with insults by his father
while his mother starve him of food most of the days. Life became more difficult
when his younger sister who learnt a sewing skill brought a very rich man
to marry, the frustration became more than the former. His parent are
always flaunting the things the husband to be bought for them and he was described as being unfortunate. Then he decided to take a bold step to meet
her sister’s fiance if at least he can help him secure a job no matter how
small it may be. He prayed as usual on the day he booked appointment with
him and prepared to leave, then he heard a voice “ There are many devices
in a man’s heart, nevertheless the counsel of the Lord that shall stand” he
became confused and sat down to think about what he heard then he
remembered he could find this same word in the book of Proverb chapter
19 verse 21, what does it mean? Do I have any evil devices in my heart? He
asked himself but no answer was coming forth. After sometimes of
ruminating he checked his time and saw that he has few minutes more to
catch up with his to be in-law, he hurriedly did a prayer against every evil
manipulation in his moving forward as concluded that the devil is really after
his breakthrough. After few minutes he got to the rich man’s place and was
treated honorably and asked to wait for some minute before he was allowed
to see the man.
 Hello Mr. Daniel, they shook hands,
 Is good to have you here, sorry to keep you waiting
 It’s not a problem, Daniel replied smiling,
The two men discussed at length and Daniel felt relieved and was sure he
was going to get rich in a matter of weeks. After the discussion the man
wrote a cheque of two million naira for him and told him to come around
the next day around 7pm in the evening so he could show him somethings
he needs to know, Daniel thanked him and left jubilating and would be
finally free from his parent pressure. He got home and explained everything
to his parents including the money with him, they were so happy and
blessed him on his kneels. Daniel could barely sleep at night waiting for the
day to break but when he was able to catch some sleep he had a terrible
dream. In the dream he saw himself dressed in a white suit seated in the
midst of people giving orders and different things achieved were
shown by the people to Daniel but suddenly a whirl wind blew and changed
his dress to red and all the group of people turned to a monster and was
about feasting on his flesh, he ran shouting for help but no one could help
him, he shouted from his sleep sweating profusely. He was so afraid and
cleaved to his bible as though his life depended on it, he opened the bible
not having any chapter in mind to open to , the first place he opened was
Proverbs Chapter 14 and his eyes went straight to verse 12 which says
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are
the ways of death” he read it and hissed, immediately he turned his bible
to Psalms Chapter 91 he began to recite it over and over again and prayed
violently with it till day break. The count down begins from 9am after he had
finished his quiet time and felt restless about the meeting he has in the
evening, each time it crosses his mind to pray about the meeting he drives it
behind and think about all what he was going to do when he becomes rich.
Finally the time to go for the meeting had come he brought out his best
cloth and shoe and set to leave, his parent blessed him before leaving, he
board the board to the place but on his way the bus broke down and this is
unusual for buses that plight that road, Daniel almost skinned the driver
alive due to his fury, 1hour gone the driver is yet to fix the bus Daniel
decided to stop another bus going to the same destination because it was
getting very dark……………..
watch out for part 2
Would Daniel eventually get to man’s place?
Would God still speak to him again?
Your comments keeps us going………remain blessed!


  1. Hmmmmmmm this is serious oooooooo...God keeps speaking except if we decide to go our own way! Speak to me dear Lord!

  2. Hmmm...... God help me to listen to you always even in difficult times


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