‘Hello Mrs Folagbade, good evening ma
 Am calling from your daughter school
 Ooooh good evening sir, hope there is no problem?
 Not really ma, but ma we want your presence in the school
 Tomorrow morning ma,
 Are you sure there is no problem? How is my daughter?
 She is fine ma, we will love to see you around tomorrow……
 Okay sir, see you tomorrow thanks sir.
Mrs Folagbade began to feel uneasy and needed someone to come and give her answers to all her
questions. Could my daughter be sick? God forbid it! she quickly rejected the thought but why could I
have been summoned like that? All questions could not be answered she was tempted to call back but
she restricted herself from doing so. Her colleague at work knew something must have gone wrong from
the call she just received. Mrs Fola as commonly called ‘Hope all is well with you? She quickly responded
and said nothing but she will be closing soon’ okay ma it is well with you ma. Night finally came and all
Mrs Film wanted the day to break, she couldn’t sleep throughout the night so immediately it was
morning she rushed out and got to the school in no time. Her daughter was what she asked for
immediately she got to the management’s office,
 ‘ Pardon me sir, good morning sir, please where is my daughter
 She asked again…..she is fine just calm down ma
 Ademide was brought in with her class teacher and two other
 The sight of her daughter shows something is definitely wrong
 Mrs Fola stood up to meet her but the tears on her daughter’s face almost made her
screamed. Ademide talk to me I am your mother what is the matter? Did anyone cheat on you? Did
anyone lie against you? She was stopped at the principal’s intervention. Mrs Fola have your seat and let
us discuss then she sat down almost immediately. The principal did not dance around the bush for long
and broke the news to her.
 Principal am so sorry can you just repeat what you just said?
 That is it ma, your daughter is pregnant and we want her to be
 In your custody and care for now….
 The details of the boy in question will be sent to you ma
 Sweating profusely now, Mrs Fola couldn’t believe her ears….Facing Ademide who is now swimming in her own tears, tell me this is not true daughter, wake me up
from the bad dream. Ademide couldn’t say anything amidst her tears aside the word ‘ am so sorry mum’
the principal had to dismiss them after some minutes. Mrs Folagbade couldn’t believe her walls were
crumbling before her eyes, why is all these happening to me? Where have I failed? Why am I so
unlucky? Tears streaming down her eyes even in the bus. When they got home both Ademide and her
mum couldn’t stop crying. Mrs Folagbade has a lot of unanswered questions within her, she needed
someone to talk to and give her swift response. Then Ademide broke the silent
 Mum am sorry, I was deceived….crying out loud now
Her mum was shocked at that statement but kept the shock to hear more,
 Ademide…..stressing the name who deceived you?
 Who???? I brought you up in the way of the Lord
 I gave you all need for your survival…..
 Please answer me who is the person?
She mentioned the boy’s name and explained how everything started and how it eventually happened.
This increased the tempo of her cry….then she remembered the dream….ahhhhhh!!!! Ademide but I
came to you but you said all was well. You hurt me daughter! You dissappoint me! You ridiculed me! I
hate you!!!! I hate you!!!!! Crying profusely…what explanation will I give to people? What if your father
comes around what will I say?????.....the crying continued till the second day. Mrs. Fola woke up feeling
pain all over body and very weak, she picked up her phone to call one of her elder sister and explained
everything to her in tears. Mum Joanne who is Mrs. Fola elder sister felt pained for her sister and said
she was ready to accommodate Ademide, this response calmed her nerves a bit, then she heard a voice
within her “ pick the child, accept her, nurture her and I will assist you’ immediately she rejected the
voice and began to see enough reason for Ademide to go far away. The following week Ademide moved
to her new home without any objection from her side. News had reached her Father where he was in
Lagos, he came and demanded to see his daughter and ready to accept her with the pregnancy but he
wasn’t allowed but he made it clear to the wife that whether she likes it or not his daughter is coming
back to him and left. Mrs Fola saw all that he came to do as a mere threat and ensured that he does not
even set his eye on the daughter anymore. Days turned into weeks, weeks into month Ademide is now
adapting to her new environment with her state. Things were not going smoothly just the same way she
just came, she does all the house chores without any assistant, maltreated by her aunt most times and
then she was restricted from speaking to her mum again. Mum joanne made life unbearable for
Ademide which made the husband to call the attention of Mrs Fola to come and pick her daughter
before she is killed. Now the darkest moment began alongside with the threat of Mr Folagbade which
did not cease. The day Ademide was to return to her mum’s house collide with the same day Mr Fola
came to see the daughter and take her away. Mr Fola had his way, took her to Lagos claiming he is now
a man of God having his own church, promised Ademide that once she put to bed then she will continue
her study which made her happy. Mr Fola truly had a church but running it with diabolical powers with
several wives with him, Ademide was shocked at what he saw when she got to her father’s place, she
cried but her crying was too late!!!!!! Starvation was the first thing to hit Ademide life become
unbearable to her but no turning back. The worst of it was that her father’s wives never respected her
instead they maltreated the more. Days of her delivery is near and she was happy she will be free from
the mess she brought upon herself. She gave birth without any complications and her mum was happy
when she heard. Then the battle began, she reminded her dad about returning to school but he stood
against it , Ademide thought persistent reminder will do but Mr Fola went extra miles to make sure she
never remembered anything about going back to school or to her mum. On a particular night Ademide
felt a strange breeze in her room but never took it serious but slept till the second day.
 Good morning daddy, she knelt down and about to leave
 Her dad called her attention back to sit, which she obeyed
 Pointing to an old man seated at the corner of the room
 See that man over there, she nodded
 From today I command you to always perform a wife
 Responsibility to him, he is now your husband.
 She nodded and left in agreement.
Mrs Fola began to sense something was wrong with her daughter, her number doesn’t go through again
and her husband is not giving her access to speak with her daughter, something was always holding her
back from visiting each time she proposed going to Lagos. Month turned into months since Ademide
starts leaving with the strange man her father gave her to within the church premises. The beating and
maltreatment from the man is so much than the ones she has been facing in the time past. Ademide is
pregnant again! Her tummy was more protrude than the previous pregnancy. Mrs Fola couldn’t hold it
again, she travelled to Lagos prepared to bring back her daughter but what she met was unbelievable.
 Ademide!!!!!! Her mum called out after waiting for her
 She couldn’t believe her eyes, Ademide is this you?
 Ademide was not moved and was about picking a quarrel with her mum.
 Mum what is it? My husband will soon call me so be fast
 Shivering……Ademide am your mum please what has come over
 You? Who is your husband? Did Adesire came over?
 Ademide interrupted, mum noooooo….my husband is different
She couldn’t finished her statement when an old man with a bottle of stout came out and landed her a
dirty slap. ‘ I have been calling you since and you are here discussing with one useless woman’ Mrs Fola
was surprised at the man outburst, Ademide quickly left shouting at the top of her voice ‘ mum go away
I don’t want to see you’ it was then Mrs Fola knew there was fire on the mountain, she has missed it!
Her daughter has been hypnotized! She didn’t set her eye on her husband until she left, she couldn’t
stop crying, she quickly placed a call to her pastor who she has refused their counsel all this while.
 Hello pastor, crying profusely……the pastor couldn’t hear her
 Voice properly but knew something is definitely wrong
 He had to send a message to her and told her to calm down and would see her soon with
his wife……………….what next?Will Ademide’s eye be opened?
Where has Mrs Fola missed it?
Will Mr Fola go scott free?
Watch out for episode 4……….your comment keeps us going! We appreciate it!!!!


  1. This is serious!!! Different fathers! Lord rid me of evil fathers!

  2. What Ademide had done is disgraceful.
    Yet stigmatization should not be exercised when someone has missed it as such in the case of Ademide else they might lose hope and be exposed to many things that can destroy their lives the more... instead, one should try to bring them back with a message of hope in Christ Jesus.... look forward to having the next be episode

  3. Hmmmmm @ just said wat was in my mind....falling into sin shouldn't make one die there...all that is needed is just run back to ur first love and come and see how a party will be thrown open in heaven just because of one sinner !!! May we not take any step that will truncate the plans God has for us in Jesus name

  4. What will happen??? I can't wait!


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